MeowSwap is a part of Occam’s Occelerator program which is a kind of accelerator incubator for Cardano-related projects. MeowSwap also had a successful IDO on OccamRazer platform where over 1300 Cardano enthusiasts were interested in contributing as early adopters.
The majority of MeowSwap’s team are MetaHash creators that realized the potential behind Cardano, its community and its eUTXO model. The leader & founder of the MeowSwap team is Gleb Nikitin who has over 20 years of experience in building software, as well as more than 5 years of experience in leading the development of cutting edge crypto technologies. Gleb’s inspiration for MeowSwap’s high-throughput engine comes from his experience in building Real Time Bidding (RTB) systems as well as from building MetaHash that has over 50 000 tps throughput and 3 seconds finality. MeowSwap team consists of 9 team members and 3 advisors, whilst all of them are crypto veterans. Some of the team members’ names that might be familiar to crypto aficionados are the MeowSwap team’s Lead Developer Kirill Zatsepin, Issam Samara, and Eduard Gurinovich as the team’s advisor.
You can get in touch with the team members on Telegram, leave a message on Twitter or send an e-mail to . Remember, admins will never PM you first!